Brazil 2024: Things We Won't Forget

Here is a list of random things we don't want to forget from our Brazil 2024 trip!
- Juliette drinking her acai while saying she was allergic, but powering through.
- Getting off the Manaus flight and being stopped by the Brazilian army and told only women & people with connections could get off the flight - all the men had to stay on the plane.
o The Brazilian officer to Luke Chalmers – “YOU ARE NOT A WOMAN”, but not questioning that David wasn’t a woman.
- Losing Sam's pants over the side of the boat at 11:30 at night.
o Then Luke Fuller getting caught by Clausen & Rugg trying to go overboard to retrieve them.
- Sam oversleeping in the hammock when we left him behind.
- Sam leaving his camera at the top of the observation tower and how he had to go back up to get it.
- Some people having to “retrieve” their toilet paper (and other items) out of the toilet on the boat with a trash bag over their hand!
- When Kinley came in telling us their doorhandle had broken…then Ioli and Clausen taped it back together…then Ellie Edwards dropped the broken doorknob into the river.
- Tyler leaving his backpack and passport in the middle of the mall the day before we were supposed to leave.
- Tyler listening to TJ and Kaden fight at 11:45 at night about who was fatter.
- Juliette retrieving her wheel from TJ in their hotel room at like 10:00 at night.
- TJ absolutely eating it trying to get into the pool (and causing a tsunami)
- The fish that jumped into the boat while crocodile hunting.
- Ellie Edwards letting go of the alligator on the boat and the alligator just plopping back into the water (with it’s mouth still taped shut).
- Luke Fuller punching a crack in their bathroom while wall while Will was showering.
- Will dropping a piranha into the boat and Melody trying to fish it back out.
- Allie unscrewing the shower head off on the first night.
- Wilson buying 3 sodas with a 50 Real bill and then just kept going back for more.
- 6 toe Neto – showing us his toes the first day.
- Allie getting pooped on by the monkeys.
- The half dead drugged alligator everyone held.
- Allie losing a sandal overboard.
- Neto giving us his type so we can find him an American girlfriend.
- Figuring out Neto needed no reload for knuckle cracks.
- Neto saying they whip girls for getting their periods.
- Neto being a “slay queen”.
- Jesus giving Tyler a blade of grass to poke people with.
- The sloth almost falling to its death while on the wildlife boat ride.
- Us breaking the elevator three times in one day.
- Everyone ganging up and killing David in the board game – Secret Hitler.
- Jesus trying to throw a spider on Chalmers.
- TJ’s anime hands and teaching Sam the hand motions at dinner.
o Sam is still practicing his form.
- All the interpreters silent rizzing (mewing).
- Mr. Kuiper using a blade of grass to sound like a monkey.
- Ms. Clausen tripping in a hole and spraining her ankle.
- The amazing 0.5’s of people.
- Paolo jumping at people’s faces.
- “Don’t be a bully….” – TJ
- Everyone thinking Sam was Korean.
- Fingerhearts.
- TJ drawing super accurate pictures of us.
- Sam breaking the big stick so no one else could bang it against the tree.
- Spending two hours cutting drugs for the children.
o TJ eating them too.
- Sam falling asleep before the movie even started in the village.
o BUT, he woke up for the credits!
- The interpreter eating pizza with banana and cheese as if that was completely normal.
- Allie and TJ *not cheating* at Apples to Apples.
- Mensa High IQ Society
- Luke Fuller being given too much pizza at the all you can eat pizza place.
o And the servers tormenting him.
o And Luke spelling out NO with his cards.
- The candy pizza and the pizza place in general.
o Avery, Will, and Kinley being scared by the pizza place’s Happy Birthday song.
- Listening to a sermon for an hour without understanding a word because of the translator.
- Ellie Phillips getting absolutely sunburned after falling asleep in the sun.
- Mr. Kuiper playing the card “D-Day” for Hit and Miss and then David playing “Mom & Dad” for Rough & Ready.
- Allie beating Mr. Kuiper in Poetry for Neanderthals and Mr. Kuiper getting his revenge.
- Peyton thinking she had malaria.
- Everyone at home freaking out because they hadn’t heard from us because we didn’t have service…they all thought we were dead.
- Playing the singing Heads Up on the bus.
- The hilarious puppet acting – specifically Luke C’s monkey face, Luke F’s long necked bird, and TJ’s hand motions.
- Playing Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza in Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and English.
o Neto playing with them.
- Rice, Beans, and Noodles at every meal.
- Luke and all the guys learning Chinese.
- People hoarding the “Flesh” orange and grape sodas.
o Peyton pleads not guilty.
- Elevator Roulette.
- Ben the Bug.
- The screaming spider boat (and the adults being thankful we were not on it).
- All of the students attempting to climb the tree in the village.
o Wilson said he did the best.
- Boys nipple flicking (it was all Jenson and Luke and the other Luke)
- Allie & Ms. Clausen freaking out when they swam with the dolphins.
- Bacon. 24/7.
- Jesus climbing up a 50 foot tree to retrieve a wild sloth.
- Roaches climbing up the drain mid shower.
- Jesus belly flopping into the river on top of the Caymen to catch it (and missing one)
- Clausen being eaten alive by mosquitos.
- Libby eating fried fish in the airport because she didn’t understand what she was ordering.
- The Lukes finding the Chinese 100 bill and giving it back.
o Luke C says, “You’re welcome bro”
- All the quote lists.
- David’s bug bites on his feet (chicken pox)
- Nicholas being a responsible adult.
- Elias kicking a soccer ball into a tiny child’s head.
- Sam, Will, and Zach’s mystery bed wtter.
o Kaden says it was Sam.
o Sam says it was Kaden.
o Sam says they drank too much flesh.
o Luke says the mystery bed wetter did it in the Luke’s room too.
- The massive spider chilling on Peyton’s back.
- All the dead bug carcasses in Giana, Peyton, and Rylee’s room on their wall.
- TP fishing.
- All the fat shaming.
- Getting our ankles broken while playing soccer with the kids.
- TJ’s room accidentally leaving the door open so a bunch of bugs got in all over the walls.
o Then the bug genocide afterwards.
- Abigail and Melody leaving their hotel window open and light on when they left for devos.
- Peyton becoming a mass spider murderer.
- TJ getting patted down and getting his juice taken.
- Plane seat confusion. Sheer panic.
o Clausen’s biggest frustration of the trip. (Although she gives props to the seat maps).
- Giana’s room’s door falling off the hinges every day.
- Jam sessions on the bus.
- Allie’s room getting locked out of their hotel room twice.
o And Luke Chalmers embarrassing himself trying to get the girls a new card.
- Ellie, Abby, and Kinley’s room’s door on the boat not staying closed and randomly opening at night.
- Juliette, Allie, and Libby’s room needing to call the maintenance man…
- Heavenly alarm in the morning.
- Worship session the second to last night on the boat.
- Juliette’s Christmas alarm in the morning.
- Melody doing a bunch of people’s hair, including the translators.
- Allie forgetting that Brazilian kids do not know how to speak English.
o Allie says, “one time”.
- The guy in Manaus yelling at his girlfriend at baggage claim and slamming the emergency stop because he hadn’t found his fish…so we all had to wait an hour for bags.
- Airport translation struggles.
- Us eating an entire container of the chocolate cookies with coffee.
o Luke Chalmers says, “Correction: Me”
- RECEIPTS (or lack thereof)
- Ellie Edwards falling down the stairs and getting splinters in her hand.
- Luke Chalmers not being allowed to buy the real gator skull.
- Sao Paulo butt crack.
o Allie says, “Full moon”
o Juliette says, “Crack heard round the world”
- Fish is a fish! His name is fish.
- A wasp that could kill us just casually chilling a foot above our heads.
- Ellie Edwards trying to order Starbucks in Portuguese using Google Translate, bailing halfway through, and making Abigail finish the order.
- Ms. Clausen going room to room to quiet the girls down one night and finding out the giggling culprits were Ellie and Avery!
- Everyone panicking when the Olive Garden didn’t accept USD
- The monkey throwing the banana back at TJ
- The mini band session in the Galley.
- Monkey noises.
- Avery getting her hair pat down at security.
o Allie too!
- Zach Botma and his rain boots on the nature hike.
- The sweet sushi.
- “Try being my size Amy. You. Don’t. Know. How. It. Is.”
- Everyone sleeping with their mouths open on the plane.
- Dogitos and Gatitos.
- TJ sleeping every second he could at the airport.
- Everyone airdropping bad photos of one another.
- Airplane fire.
- Telephone pole explosion.
- The Magic Feet store.
o Allie’s favorite shop.
o Sam says, “Neto’s probably been there”
o Avery says, “He’s gotta get custom shoes for his extra toe”
- “Shopping with Animals” – Aka get an animal thrown on you then be forced to pay
- Libby and Ellie being soaked from the boat ride back from “Shopping with Animals”
- Our own security detail at the mall.
o And that saving Tyler from losing his backpack with his passport.
- Nicholas being interested in Ms. Marshall.
- Luke trying to snatch the sloth.
- All the knives and machetes and blow guns and weapons that came back to the US with us.
- Our bags randomly disappearing at the luggage claim.
- A ten year old casually scoring off a bicycle kick.
- Getting absolutely destroyed by kids in soccer.
- Compliment circle!
- The kids picking every single flower they could find to put in our hair.
- Luke getting poked by a dolphin and Rylee almost getting kidnapped by them.
- “Is it obvious we’re not from here!?” – Zach
- Luke touching everyone with reeds the first day swimming in the river to freak people out.
- Getting slapped by a fish on the night boat.
- Luke putting a handful of the Amazon River sand in Peyton’s hair.
- Samuel’s gymnastics skills.
- Wilson doing cheer stunts as a flyer.
- The many sand battles and chicken fights in the river.
- All the guys launching David in to the water.
- All the kids bringing us flowers in the river.
- When the youth group asked us what kind of music we listen to and they asked if we liked KPop and Will screamed “SAM”
- Allie spilling coffee all over her dress the morning we were getting off the boat.
- The flight attendant gave Melody Asian sprite.
