Day 7: Final day of Art Camp

Today was clear with a high of 32 for our final day of art camp. It was a bittersweet beginning to the day as the team entered The Compass. They were excited to spend time with these kids that they have spent the last two days creating, chatting, and sharing with! Today’s art project was focused on Habakkuk 2:3 about “one who has vision”. Team Alaska led the kids in attendance, one last time, in creating a vision board.

The kids were encouraged to look ahead, to dream for what their future could be in Christ. It was incredible to see the VCS team encourage these kids in their dreams and help seek out how best to portray this vision on their boards. It was touching to see the kids open up more, as they had spent the last two days building relationships with the team.

As camp’s time came to a close, bittersweet tears were shed as goodbyes were said. It was a very tender time to witness the fruit of the team’s hard work and dedication to loving those around them and sharing the love of Christ. Team Alaska did an incredible job living out the trips theme verse, Matthew 22:39.

As was the case with the first two days, a team of the boys headed back to the host church to complete a few remaining major projects around the property. All of the staff at this church are bi-vocational and are often unable to complete many of the bigger and more time consuming projects. It was such a blessing that our team was able to complete so many of these tasks for them.

After art camp commenced, the team headed back to the church to grab swim suits and head to the rec center with the host church’s youth group. The team had a blast swimming to unwind from the day.

Tomorrow will be a packed day as the final day in Alaska. There will be ice fishing and souvenir shopping (with a few potential surprise activities barring any unforeseen roadblocks), followed by cleaning and packing for an early departure on Saturday.

Please continue to pray for weather for the Team’s final day so all planned activities can be accomplished. Additionally, pray for the team, that they would be able to take advantage of the last bit of time here. Finally, please be in prayer for safe travels on Saturday.