Today we continued our service in the morning and afternoon camp.
In the morning, we split into two groups to serve the two churches we are partnering with. Before we got to work, we were able to stop at a local coffee truck. Yum!
10 students stayed back and served at the church we are staying at, Kauai Christian Fellowship. They cleaned out a storage container filling an entire dumpster, mopped staircases, and helped the church clean up their campus. The other half of our students went back to St. John’s Episcopal to continue working on the house. They finished the landscaping outside, DEEP cleaned the kitchen, cleaned all the window covers, and ripped up the tile in the bathroom. Tomorrow we are hoping to get to painting!
After a great lunch, we put on day 2 of the Bible STEM camp for the kids from Hawaii. The Bible story and craft group talked about Noah’s ark and made rainbow friendship bracelets. The STEM group taught about structural engineering and built towers made of spaghetti and marshmallows. The tutoring group continued helping students with math worksheets and building deeper connections. It was incredible to see the group connecting with the kids from Hawaii. After the first day, they really started opening up, having fun, and talking with us.
Immediately after the camp, the church gave us a huge treat and brought us to a secluded beach with all the kids from Hawaii. We swam in the ocean, played beach volleyball, and made deeper relationships with the students. Kahu Peter and some others from the church grilled us delicious burgers, corn, and asparagus. As we ate, the sun set and the stars came out brighter than many of us have ever seen, showing the glory of God. We made s’mores around the bonfire and ended the night singing worship songs around the fire. Pastor Shawn from PPM gave a great word about how we are embers. Just as embers can travel up to 40-60 miles and still ignite something that’s dead, God breathed us up and out of Arizona all the way to Kauai to breath life into these students.
I think I speak for the whole group when I say the night was an incredible and impactful evening - definitely one for the story books!
Tomorrow is our last day of the Bible camp, so please pray that we allow God to use us for this last day of connections and conversations to come.